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Welcome to IVHHN

The International Volcanic Health Hazard Network (IVHHN) is an umbrella organisation for all research and dissemination of information on volcanic health hazards and impacts.

IVHHN is an IAVCEI Commission.



Scientific Protocols

Guidelines for scientific collection and analysis of volcanic ash.

Public Information

IVHHN printable and audio-visual informational products.

IVHHN Library

Database of literature on the health hazards and impacts of volcanic eruptions.





Crisis Management

Briefing notes for eruption management.





Latest News

New IVHHN library

IVHHN has developed a searchable database of all academic references published on volcanoes and any aspect of health. You can search by author, volcano, country, type of study, study method, or year of publication!

Please find our library at https://www.ivhhn.org/ivhhn-library and let us know if you have a peer-reviewed paper that you'd like to add.

Screenshot of article

Gas pamphlet front cover

NEW! IVHHN gas & aerosol pamphlet

IVHHN has published a new pamphlet on the health hazards of volcanic and geothermal gases which can be found here. The new pamphlet compliments IVHHN's existing ones on volcanic ash preparedness, health impacts and community protection.

Pamphlet front page