Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance
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Health impact of the Tajogaite volcano eruption in La Palma population (ISVOLCAN study): rationale, design, and preliminary results from the first 1002 participants
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Mental health effects following the eruption in Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland: A population-based study.
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Long-term health of children following the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption: a prospective cohort study.
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Long-term health effects of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption: a prospective cohort study in 2010 and 2013
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Post-traumatic stress disorder among survivors two years after the 2010 Mount Merapi volcano eruption: A survey study
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Psychosocial and environmental distress resulting from a volcanic eruption: Study protocol
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A survey of early health effects of the Eyjafjallajökull 2010 eruption in Iceland: a population-based study
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Prediction of children’s coping following a natural disaster: the Mt Ruapehu eruptions
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Behaviourally-based interventions for children following volcanic eruptions: an evaluation of effectiveness
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The effects of a "benign" disaster: Symptoms of post-traumatic stress in children following a series of volcanic eruptions
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Screening for the psychological consequences of a major disaster in a developing country: Armero, Colombia
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Psychiatric reactions to disaster: the Mount St. Helens experience
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Status of natural disaster victims' health and recovery 1 and 3 years later
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After Mount St. Helens: Disaster stress research
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Reviews/ Overviews
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Effects of volcanic eruptions on the mental health of exposed populations: a systematic review
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Social research
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Patterns of distress and psychosocial support 2 years post-displacement following a natural disaster in a lower middle income country
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Mental health activities for evacuees of the volcanic eruption of Mt. Unzen-Fugen – crisis intervention of a psychiatrist
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Social research
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Symptoms description of family post traumatic stress disorder of the Mount Merapi eruption disaster victims during Covid19
, Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 10(B), 413-419, 10.3889/oamjms.2022.8450
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Quality of life and subjective social status after five years of Mount Sinabung eruptions: Disaster management and current sources of inequality in displaced, remaining and relocated communities
, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 49, 101629, 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101629
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Psychosocial support during displacement due to a natural disaster: relationships with distress in a lower-middle income country
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Comparing men’s and women’s psychological preparedness in Cangkringan for Mount Merapi volcanic eruptions
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Spirituality, gratitude, hope and post-traumatic growth among the survivors of the 2010 eruption of Mount Merapi in Java, Indonesia
, Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 18(1), 19-26, N/A
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The psychosocial impact of the environmental damage caused by the Mt Merapi eruption on survivors in Indonesia
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Emotions and coping strategies during an episode of volcanic activity and their relations to place attachment
, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 38, 279-287, 10.1016/j.jenvp.2014.03.008
Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance
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Pregnancy outcomes among evacuees of the Sinabung volcano, 2010–2018 (North Sumatra, Indonesia): A matched cohort study
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Risk factors for duty-related posttraumatic stress disorder among police officers in the Mt. Ontake eruption disaster-support task force
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Effects of the Miyakejima Volcano eruption on public health
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The effectiveness of trauma healing methods to reduce Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on teenage victims of Mount Merapi eruption
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Health effects following the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption: a cohort study
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Mental health during recurring disaster: The case of Tsubota District residents recovering from a volcanic eruption
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The Miyake Island volcano disaster in Japan: Loss, uncertainty, and relocation as predictors of PTSD and depression
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Psychological distress among evacuees of a volcanic eruption in Japan: A follow-up study
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PTSD, depression and help-seeking patterns following the Miyake Island volcanic eruption
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Initial results, reliability, and validity of a mental health survey of Mount Pinatubo disaster victims
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The nature of psychiatric problems among disaster victims
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Social research
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Preventing mental health risks in volunteers in disaster contexts: The case of the Villarrica Volcano eruption, Chile
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The Armero tragedy: lessons for mental health professionals
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Physicochemical or geochemical, Social research
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High prevalence of cognitive impairment among students near mount Merapi: a case study
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Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance, Social research
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Community vulnerability to volcanic hazard consequences
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The effects of a series of volcanic eruptions on emotional and behavioural functioning in children with asthma
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Stress levels and health status of victims of a natural disaster
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Reviews/ Overviews
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The effects of volcanoes on health: preparedness in Mexico
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