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Welcome to the IVHHN library! This database contains all known academic papers in relation to volcanoes and human/animal health. If you have a peer-reviewed academic paper that you'd like us to add, please contact us.

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Title Publication Year Category Study Method Authors
Illness and elevated human mortality in Europe coincident with the Laki Fissure eruption 2003 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Grattan, J., Durand, M., Taylor, S.
Mannfall í Móðuharðindin (Human mortality during the Haze Hardships, Icelandic 1984 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Hálfdanarson, G.
Volcanic hazards of the Colli Albani 2010 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Carapezza, M. L., Barberi, F., Tarchini, L., Ranaldi, M., Ricci, T.
Trace elements in volcanic environments and human health effects 2021 Soils and fibrous minerals Reviews/ Overviews Linhares, D., Garcia, P. V., dos Santos Rodrigues, A.
Hazardous gas blowouts from shallow wells in the Colli Albani volcanic complex (Rome, Italy) 2010 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water Physicochemical or geochemical Carapezza, M. L., Ricci, T., Barberi, F., Ranaldi, M., Tarchini, L.
Health impact of volcanic emissions. 2018 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Non-respiratory diseases Reviews/ Overviews Sierra-Vargas, M. P., Vargas-Domínguez, C., Bobadilla-Lozoya, K., Aztatzi-Aguilar, O. G.
Human sickness and mortality rates in relation to the distant eruption of volcanic gases: rural England and the 1783 eruption of the Laki fissure, Iceland 2003 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Gilbertson, D., Durand, M.
Fluoride in volcanic areas: a case study in medical geology 2020 Water quality and/or fluoride Reviews/ Overviews Linhares, D., Garcia, P. V., dos Santos Rodrigues, A.
Health risks linked with inhalation of volcanic gases and aerosols 1983 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Faivre-Pierret, R., Le Guern, F.
Radon exposure and human health: What happens in volcanic environments? 2017 Radiological impacts Reviews/ Overviews Linhares, D., Garcia, P., Rodrigues, A.
Cristobalite in a rhyolitic lava dome: Evolution of ash hazard Bulletin of Volcanology 2010 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Crystalline silica, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references Physicochemical or geochemical Horwell, C. J., Le Blond, J. S., Michnowicz, S. A. K., Cressey, G.
Gas and particle emissions from Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies: characterization and health hazard assessment Bulletin of Volcanology 2000 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Allen, A. G., Baxter, P. J., Ottley, C. J.
The respiratory health hazards of volcanic ash: a review for volcanic risk mitigation Bulletin of Volcanology 2006 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Horwell, C. J., Baxter, P. J.
Quantitative analysis of persistent volcanic fluoride risk reveals differential exposure pathways for adults and children downwind of Masaya volcano, Nicaragua Bulletin of Volcanology 2021 Dermal, dental and ocular impacts, Soils and fibrous minerals, Water quality and/or fluoride Leaching Calkins, J. A., Delmelle, P.
Mortality in England during the 1783–4 Laki Craters eruption Bulletin of Volcanology 2004 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Witham, C. S., Oppenheimer, C.
Probabilistic hazard maps for operational use: the case of SO2 air pollution during the Holuhraun eruption (Bárðarbunga, Iceland) in 2014–2015 Bulletin of Volcanology 2020 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Modelling Barsotti, S.
Volcanic air pollution and human health: recent advances and future directions Bulletin of Volcanology 2022 Air quality, Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Stewart, C., Damby, D. E., Horwell, C. J., Elias, T., Ilyinskaya, E., Tomašek, I., Longo, B. M., Schmidt, A., Carlsen, H. K., Mason, E., Baxter, P. J., Cronin, S. J., Witham, C. S.
Atmospheric dispersion, environmental effects and potential health hazard associated with the low-altitude gas plume of Masaya volcano, Nicaragua Bulletin of Volcanology 2002 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Delmelle, P., Stix, J., Baxter, P. J., Garcia-Alvarez, J., Barquero, J.
Mineralogical analyses and in vitro screening tests for the rapid evaluation of the health hazard of volcanic ash at Rabaul volcano, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of Volcanology 2010 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references Leaching Le Blond, J. S., Horwell, C. J., Baxter, P. J., Michnowicz, S. A. K., Tomatis, M., Fubini, B., Delmelle, P., Dunster, C., Patia, H.
Long term exposure to respirable volcanic ash on Montserrat: a time series simulation Bulletin of Volcanology 2006 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Risk assessment Modelling Hincks, T. K., Aspinall, W. P., Baxter, P. J., Searl, A., Sparks, R. S. J., Woo, G.
Assessing the biological reactivity of organic compounds on volcanic ash: implications for human health hazard Bulletin of Volcanology 2021 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Exposure and urban pollutants Physicochemical or geochemical Tomašek, I., Damby, D. E., Andronico, D., Baxter, P. J., Boonen, I., Claeys, P., Denison, M. S., Horwell, C. J., Kervyn, M., Kueppers, U., Romanias, M. N., Elskens, M.
Ash emission from a long-lived eruption at Popocatépetl volcano and mapped respiratory effects Bulletin of Volcanology 2021 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Nieto-Torres, A., Martin-Del Pozzo, A. L.
The characterisation of respirable volcanic ash from the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, with implications for health hazard Bulletin of Volcanology 2003 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references Physicochemical or geochemical Horwell, C. J., Sparks, R. S. J., Brewer, T. S., Llewellin, E. W., Williamson, B. J.
Medical effects of volcanic eruptions Bulletin of Volcanology 1990 Injuries and Fatalities Reviews/ Overviews Baxter, P. J.
Sakurajima volcano: a physico-chemical study of the health consequences of long-term exposure to volcanic ash Bulletin of Volcanology 2012 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Crystalline silica, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references Physicochemical or geochemical Hillman, S. E., Horwell, C. J., Densmore, A., Damby, D. E., Fubini, B., Ishimine, Y., Tomatis, M.
Mineralogical analyses and in vitro screening tests for the rapid evaluation of the health hazard of volcanic ash at Rabaul volcano, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of Volcanology 2010 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references Physicochemical or geochemical Le Blond, J. S., Horwell, C. J., Baxter, P. J., Michnowicz, S. A. K., Tomatis, M., Fubini, B., Delmelle, P., Dunster, C., Patia, H.
Health hazards of volcanic eruptions Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London 1983 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Injuries and Fatalities Reviews/ Overviews Baxter, P. J.
Volcanoes The public health consequences of disasters 1997 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Baxter, P. J.
Immediate public health concerns and actions in volcanic eruptions: lessons from the Mount St. Helens eruptions, May 18- October 18, 1980 American Journal of Public Health 1986 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Injuries and Fatalities, Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Bernstein, R. S., Baxter, P. J., Falk, H., Ing, R., Foster, L., Frost, F.
Introduction to the epidemiological aspects of explosive volcanism American Journal of Public Health 1986 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Bernstein, R. S., Baxter, P. J., Buist, A. S.
Volcanic activity: a review for health professionals American Journal of Public Health 1986 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Newhall, C. G., Fruchter, J. S.
Health effects of volcanoes: an approach to evaluating the health effects of an environmental hazard American Journal of Public Health 1986 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Buist, A. S., Berstein, R. S.
Identification of the physical and chemical characteristics of volcanic hazards American Journal of Public Health 1986 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Olsen, K. B., Fruchter, J. S.
Evaluation of physical health effects due to volcanic hazards - the use of experimental systems to estimate the pulmonary toxicity of volcanic ash American Journal of Public Health 1986 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Toxicological Martin, T. R., Wehner, A. P., Butler, J.
Evaluation of physical health effects due to volcanic hazards: human studies American Journal of Public Health 1986 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Buist, A. S., Bernstein, R. S., Johnson, L. R., Vollmer, W. M.
The development of a multidisciplinary plan for evaluation of the long-term health effects of the Mount St. Helens eruptions American Journal of Public Health 1986 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Buist, A. S., Martin, T. R., Shore, J. H., Butler, J., Lybarger, J. A.
An outbreak of waterborne giardiasis associated with heavy water runoff due to warm weather and volcanic ashfall American Journal of Public Health 1983 Water quality and/or fluoride Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Weniger, B. G., Blaser, M. J., Gedrose, J., Lippy, E. C., Juranek, D. D.
Evaluation of mental effects of disaster, Mount St. Helens eruption American Journal of Public Health 1986 Psychological and mental impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Shore, J. H., Tatum, E. L., Vollmer, W. M.
Preventive health measures in volcanic eruptions American Journal of Public Health 1986 Emergency planning and response Reviews/ Overviews Baxter, P. J., Bernstein, R. S., Buist, A. S.
Evaluation of physical health effects due to volcanic hazards: crystalline silica in Mount St. Helens volcanic ash American Journal of Public Health 1986 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Crystalline silica Physicochemical or geochemical Dollberg, D. D., Bolyard, M. L., Smith, D. L.
Health hazards of volcanic gases Lancet 1990 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Baxter, P. J., Tedesco, D., Miele, G., Baubron, J. C., Cliff, K.
Volcanic Gases and Health - Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua Lancet 1982 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Baxter, P. J., Stoiber, R. E., Williams, S. N.
Effects of volcanic air pollution on health Lancet 2001 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Durand, M., Grattan, J.
Are volcanoes hazardous to your health? What have we learned from Mount St Helens? Western Journal of Medicine 1982 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Buist, A. S.
Volcanic and Geothermal Processes: Health effects Encyclopedia of Environmental Health 2011 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water, Non-respiratory diseases Reviews/ Overviews Cook, A., Weinstein, P.
Health effects of natural dust Biological Trace Element Research 2005 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Cook, A. G., Weinstein, P., Centeno, J. A.
Overview of naturally occurring Earth materials and human health concerns Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 2012 Air quality, Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Water quality and/or fluoride Reviews/ Overviews Ernst, W. G.
Toxic potential of mineral dusts Elements 2007 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Crystalline silica Reviews/ Overviews Fubini, B., Fenoglio, I.
Toxicity hazards arising from volcanic activity Surveillance 1996 Animal health Reviews/ Overviews Gregory, N. G., Neall, V. E.
Are volcanic ashes a risk for the respiratory health? A review apropos of volcanic eruption of Cordon Caulle, Chile in June 2011 Revista chilena de enfermedades respiratorias 2012 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Grob, E., Oyarzún, M., Cavieres, I., Zarges, P., Bustamante, G.
The health hazards of volcanoes and geothermal areas Occupational Environmental Medicine 2006 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Risk assessment Reviews/ Overviews Hansell, A., Horwell, C. J., Oppenheimer, C.
Health effects of volcanic ash - a repeat study Archives of Environmental Health 1990 Air quality, Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Yano, E., Yokoyama, Y., Higashi, H., Nishii, S., Maeda, K., Koizumi, A.
Health hazards from volcanic gases: a systematic literature review Archives of Environmental Health 2004 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Hansell, A., Oppenheimer, C.
Associations between respiratory illness and PM10 air pollution Archives of Environmental Health 1997 Air quality, Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Exposure and urban pollutants Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Choudhury, A. H., Gordian, M. E., Morris, S. S.
Investigation of health effects of hydrogen sulfide from a geothermal source Archives of Environmental Health 2002 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Bates, M. N., Garrett, N., Shoemack, P.
PM10 and asthma medication in schoolchildren Archives of Environmental Health 2003 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Gordian, M. E., Choudhury, A. H.
Unusually high incidence of malignant pleural mesothelioma in a town of eastern Sicily: an epidemiological and environmental study Archives of Environmental Health 2000 Soils and fibrous minerals Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Paoletti, L., Batisti, D., Bruno, C., Di Paola, M., Gianfagna, A., Mastrantonio, M., Nesti, M., Comba, P.
Mount St. Helens eruptions: the acute respiratory effects of volcanic ash in a North American community Archives of Environmental Health 1983 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Baxter, P. J., Ing, R., Falk, H., Plikaytis, B.
Chronic pulmonary effects of volcanic ash: An epidemiologic study Archives of Environmental Health 1986 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Yano, E., Nishii, S., Yokoyama, Y.
Long-term risk in a recently active volcanic system: evaluation of doses and indoor radiological risk in the quaternary Vulsini Volcanic District (Central Italy) Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2012 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Radiological impacts, Risk assessment Modelling Capaccioni, B., Cinelli, G., Mostacci, D., Tositti, L.
Diffuse CO2 soil degassing and CO2 and H2S air concentration and related hazard at Vulcano Island (Aeolian arc, Italy) Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2011 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Soils and fibrous minerals Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Carapezza, M. L., Barberi, F., Ranaldi, M., Ricci, T., Barrancos, J., Tarchini, L., Fischer, C., Perez, N., Weber, K., Di Piazza, A., Gattuso, A.
A physico-chemical assessment of the health hazard of Mt. Vesuvius volcanic ash Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2010 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references Physicochemical or geochemical Horwell, C. J., Stannett, G. W., Andronico, D., Bertagnini, A., Fenoglio, I., Fubini, B., Le Blond, J. S., Williamson, B. J.
Carbon dioxide and radon gas hazard in the Alban Hills area (central Italy) Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2003 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water, Radiological impacts Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Beaubien, S. E., Ciotoli, G., Lombardi, S.
Environmental hazards of fluoride in volcanic ash: a case study from Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2003 Animal health, Water quality and/or fluoride Physicochemical or geochemical Cronin, S. J., Neall, V. E., Lecointre, J. A., Hedley, M. J., Loganathan, P.
Acute health impact of the gas release at Lake Nyos, Cameroon, 1986 Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 1989 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Baxter, P. J., Kapila, M.
Environmental impact of magmatic fluorine emission in the Mt. Etna area Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2007 Soils and fibrous minerals, Water quality and/or fluoride Leaching Bellomo, S., Aiuppa, A., D’Alessandro, W., Parello, F.
Contamination of water supplies by volcanic ashfall: A literature review and simple impact modelling Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2006 Water quality and/or fluoride Modelling Stewart, C., Johnston, D. M., Leonard, G. S., Horwell, C. J., Thordarson, T., Cronin, S. J.
Are there biomedical criteria to assess an acute carbon dioxide intoxication by a volcanic emission? Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 1989 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Injuries and Fatalities Reviews/ Overviews Stupfel, M., Le Guern, F.
Elevated trace element output in urine following acute volcanic gas exposure Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2004 Non-respiratory diseases Physicochemical or geochemical Durand, M., Florkowski, C., George, P., Walmsley, T., Weinstein, P., Cole, J.
Volcanic disasters and incidents: A new database Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2005 Injuries and Fatalities Reviews/ Overviews Witham, C. S.
Volcanic ash leachates: a review and recommendations for sampling methods Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2005 Animal health, Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references, Water quality and/or fluoride Leaching Witham, C. S., Oppenheimer, C., Horwell, C. J.
Volcanic ash leachate compositions and assessment of health and agricultural hazards from 2012 hydrothermal eruptions, Tongariro, New Zealand Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2014 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references Leaching Cronin, S. J., Stewart, C., Zernack, A., Brenna, M., Procter, J. N., Pardo, N., Christenson, B., Wilson, T., Stewart, R. B., Irwin, M.
Biomonitoring of volcanogenic fluoride, Furnas Caldera, Sao Miguel, Azores Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 1999 Water quality and/or fluoride Physicochemical or geochemical Notcutt, G., Davies, F.
Atmospheric sulfur dioxide measurements during the 2005 and 2007 eruptions of the Piton de La Fournaise volcano: Implications for human health and environmental changes Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2009 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Bhugwant, C., Sieja, B., Bessafi, M., Staudacher, T., Ecormier, J.
Health hazards and disaster potential of ground gas emissions at Furnas volcano, Sao Miguel, Azores Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 1999 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water, Radiological impacts, Water quality and/or fluoride Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Baxter, P. J., Baubron, J. C., Coutinho, R.
The respiratory health hazard of tephra from the 2010 Centennial eruption of Merapi with implications for occupational mining of deposits Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2013 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references Leaching Damby, D. E., Horwell, C. J., Baxter, P. J., Delmelle, P., Donaldson, K., Dunster, C., Fubini, B., Murphy, F. A., Nattrass, C., Sweeney, S., Tetley, T. D., Tomatis, M.
Quantitative assessment of volcanic ash hazards for health and infrastructure at Mt. Etna (Italy) by numerical simulation Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2010 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Modelling Barsotti, S., Andronico, D., Neri, A., Del Carlo, P., Baxter, P. J., Aspinall, W. P., Hincks, T. K.
Monitoring and mapping of hydrogen sulphide emissions across an active geothermal field: Rotorua, New Zealand Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2005 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Horwell, C. J., Patterson, J. E., Gamble, J. A., Allen, A. G.
Measurements of indoor radon concentration on the south-eastern flank of Mount Etna volcano (Southern Italy) Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2007 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Brogna, A., La Delfa, S., La Monaca, V., Lo Nigro, S., Morelli, D., Patane, G., Tringali, G.
Deaths and injuries in the eruption of Galeras Volcano, Colombia, 14 January 1993 Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 1997 Injuries and Fatalities Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Baxter, P. J., Gresham, A.
Volcanic emissions and health Essentials of Medical Geology, Springer Netherlands 2013 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Injuries and Fatalities Reviews/ Overviews Weinstein, P., Horwell, C. J., Cook, A.
The Mount Ruapehu eruption, 1996: a review of potential health effects Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 1997 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Weinstein, P., Patel, A.
Air pollution and mortality in the Rotorua geothermal area Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 1997 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Bates, M. N., Garrett, N., Graham, B., Read, D.
Effects of volcanic eruptions on environment and health Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 2007 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Zuskin, E., Mustajbegovic, J., Doko Jelinic, J., Pucarin Cvetković, J., Milosevic, M.
Mount St Helens eruptions, May 18 to June 12, 1980. An overview of the acute health impact JAMA 1981 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Baxter, P. J., Ing, R., Falk, H., French, J., Stein, G. F., Bernstein, R. S., Merchant, J. A., Allard, J.
Geotourism and volcanoes: health hazards facing tourists at volcanic and geothermal destinations Travel Med Infect Dis 2009 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Heggie, T. W.
Toxicologic Exposures Associated With Natural Disasters: Gases, Kerosene, Ash, and Bites Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine 2012 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Jones, N. E., Baker, M. D.
Emergency room visits for respiratory conditions in children increased after Guagua Pichincha volcanic eruptions in April 2000 in Quito, Ecuador Observational Study: Time series analysis Environmental Health 2007 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Naumova, E. N., Yepes, H., Griffiths, J. K., Sempertegui, F., Khurana, G., Jagai, J. S., Jativa, E., Estrella, B.
Incidence of cancer among residents of high temperature geothermal areas in Iceland: a census based study 1981 to 2010 Environmental Health 2012 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water, Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Kristbjornsdottir, A., Rafnsson, V.
Severe volcanic SO2 exposure and respiratory morbidity in the Icelandic population – a register study Environmental Health 2021 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Carlsen, H. K., Aspelund, T., Briem, H. , Gislason, T., Jóhannsson, T., Valdimarsdóttir, U. A., Gudnason, T.
Respiratory health and eruptions of the Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira volcanoes in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a timeseries analysis Environmental Health 2020 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Michellier, C., Katoto, P. D. C., Dramaix, M., Nemery. B., Kervyn. F.
Health impact of the Tajogaite volcano eruption in La Palma population (ISVOLCAN study): rationale, design, and preliminary results from the first 1002 participants Environmental Health 2024 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Dermal, dental and ocular impacts, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Psychological and mental impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Rodríguez-Pérez, M. C., Fuentes Ferrer, M. E., Boada, L. D., Afonso Pérez, A. D., Daranas Aguilar, M. C., Ferraz Jerónimo, J. F., García Talavera, I., Vizcaíno Gangotena, L., Hardisson de la Torre, A., Simbaña-Rivera, K., Cabrera de León, A.
Assessment of the potential respiratory hazard of volcanic ash from future Icelandic eruptions: a study of archived basaltic to rhyolitic ash samples Environmental Health 2017 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Toxicological Damby, D. E., Horwell, C. J., Larsen, G., Thordarson, T., Tomatis, M., Fubini, B., Donaldson, K.
Soufriere of Guadeloupe 1976–1977 eruption—Mass and energy transfer and volcanic health hazards Bulletin Volcanologique 1980 Air quality, Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Water quality and/or fluoride Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Le Guern, F., Bernard, A., Chevrier, R. M.
An example of health hazard: people killed by gas during a phreatic eruption: Dieng Plateau (Java, Indonesia), February 20th 1979 Bulletin Volcanologique 1982 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Le Guern, F., Tazieff, H., Pierret, R. F.
Grain size analysis of volcanic ash for the rapid assessment of respiratory health hazard Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2007 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references Physicochemical or geochemical Horwell, C. J.
Evaluation of a simple passive sampling technique for monitoring volcanogenic hydrogen sulphide Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2004 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Horwell, C. J., Allen, A. G., Mather, T. A., Patterson, J. E.
Fractionation of elements by particle size of ashes ejected from Copahue Volcano, Argentina Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2002 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Gomez, D., Smichowski, P., Polla, G., Ledesma, A., Resnizky, S., Rosa, S.
Iron-induced hydroxyl radical generation from basaltic volcanic ash Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2007 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Horwell, C. J., Fenoglio, I., Fubini, B.
Understanding the environmental impacts of large fissure eruptions: Aerosol and gas emissions from the 2014–2015 Holuhraun eruption (Iceland) Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2017 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Modelling Ilyinskaya, E., Schmidt, A., Mather, T. A., Pope, F. D., Witham, C. S., Baxter, P. J., Jóhannsson, T., Pfeffer, M., Barsotti, S., Singh, A., Sanderson, P., Bergsson, B., McCormick Kilbride, B. T., Donovan, A., Peters, N., Oppenheimer, C., Edmonds, M.