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Fitting a Facemask (Leaflet)

The How to Fit a Facemask leaflet is designed to be handed out by agencies, along with facemasks*. It is available in English, Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia and Filipino. Please click on the flags, below, to download. An accompanying video is also available. More detailed information can also be found at: www.ivhhn.org/ash-protection.

To train yourself, and others, how to fit a facemask properly, please use the Train-the-Trainer Workshop materials available at: http://community.dur.ac.uk/hive.consortium/outputs/.


*The decision on whether to recommend or distribute facemasks is ethically challenging. McDonald et al. 2020 provide a framework for agency decision-making and explain the ethical dilemmas. We suggest that agencies read this paper before making a decision. Please use the IVHHN Contact page to request support in the decision-making process.

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