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IVHHN Library Database

Welcome to the IVHHN library! This database contains all known academic papers in relation to volcanoes and human/animal health. If you have a peer-reviewed academic paper that you'd like us to add, please contact us.

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Title Publication Year Category Study Method Authors
Effect of low-dose tungsten on human thyroid stem/precursor cells and their progeny Endocrine-Related Cancer 2019 Non-respiratory diseases Toxicological Giani, F., Pandini, G., Scalisi, N. M., Vigneri, P., Fazzari, C., Malandrino, P., Russo, M., Masucci, R., Belfiore, A., Pellegriti, G., Vigneri, R.
Factors motivating the use of respiratory protection against volcanic ashfall a comparative analysis of communities in Japan, Indonesia and Mexico International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 2019 Respiratory protection Social research Covey, J., Horwell, C. J., Rachmawati, L., Ogawa, R., Martin-Del Pozzo, A. L., Armienta, M. A., Nugroho, F., Dominelli, L.
Impact on the respiratory airways of acute exposure to volcanic ash in the Patagonia: cross-sectional study Revista Americana de Medicina Respiratorio 2019 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Dermal, dental and ocular impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Zabert, I., Benitez, S., Zabert, G. E.
Use of respiratory protection in Yogyakarta during the 2014 eruption of Kelud, Indonesia: Community and agency perspectives Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2019 Respiratory protection Social research Horwell, C. J., Ferdiwijaya, D., Wahyudi, T., Dominelli, L.
Anomalous concentrations of arsenic, fluoride and radon in volcanic-sedimentary aquifers from central Italy: Quality indexes for management of the water resource Environmental Pollution 2019 Water quality and/or fluoride Physicochemical or geochemical Cinti, D., Vaselli, O., Poncia, P. P., Brusca, L., Grassa, F., Procesi, M., Tassi, F.
Psychosocial support during displacement due to a natural disaster: relationships with distress in a lower-middle income country International Health 2019 Evacuation, displacement, place attachment, Psychological and mental impacts Social research Zahlawi, T., Roome, A. B., Chan, C. W., Campbell, J. J., Tosiro, B., Malanga, M., Tagaro, M., Obed, J., Iaruel, J., Taleo, G., Tarivonda, L., Olszowy, K. M., Dancause, K. N.
Livelihoods, wellbeing and the risk to life during volcanic eruptions Frontiers in Earth Science 2019 Evacuation, displacement, place attachment, Injuries and Fatalities Social research Barclay, J, Few, R., Armijos, M. T., Phillips, J. C., Pule, D. M., Hicks, A., Brown, S. K. , Robertson, R. E. A.
Fluoride removal from natural volcanic underground water by an electrocoagulation process: Parametric and cost evaluations Journal of Environmental Management 2019 Method development, Water quality and/or fluoride Physicochemical or geochemical Mena, V. F., Betancor-Abreu, A., González, S., Delgado, S., Souto, R. M., Santana, J. J.
Facemask use for community protection from air pollution disasters: An ethical overview and framework to guide agency decision making International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 2019 Legal and ethical issues Social research McDonald, F., Horwell, C. J., Wecker, R., Dominelli, L., Loh, M., Kamanyire, R., Ugarte, C.
Respiratory health among professionals exposed to extreme SO2 levels from a volcanic eruption Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 2019 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Carlsen, H. K., Aspelund, T., Briem, H. , Gislason, T., Jóhannsson, T., Valdimarsdóttir, U. A., Gudnason, T.
Environmental risk assessment of metals in the volcanic soil of Changbai Mountain International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019 Soils and fibrous minerals Physicochemical or geochemical Ma, Q., Han, L., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Lang, Q., Li, F., Han, A., Bao, Y., Li, K., Alu, S.
Natural disasters and injuries: what does a surgeon need to know?. Current Trauma Reports 2018 Injuries and Fatalities Reviews/ Overviews Bartholdson, S., von Schreeb, J.
Patients hit by rocks during the Mt. Ontake volcanic eruption in Japan: An experience of trauma cases Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports 2018 Injuries and Fatalities Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Shiroko, T.
Comparing men’s and women’s psychological preparedness in Cangkringan for Mount Merapi volcanic eruptions KnE Life Sciences 2018 Psychological and mental impacts Social research Sanger, A. S., Nurpatria, N. I.
Mortality induced by PM2.5 exposure following the 1783 Laki eruption using reconstructed meteorological fields Scientific Reports 2018 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Balkanski, Y., Menut, L., Garnier, E., Wang, R., Evangeliou, N., Jourdian, S., Eschstruth, C., Vrac, M., Yiou, P.
High prevalence of cognitive impairment among students near mount Merapi: a case study Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation 2018 Psychological and mental impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Nguyen, H. T., Wijayanti, L. W., Kim, K., Lee, W. K., Lee, C-H., Shin, K.
DNA damage in oral epithelial cells of individuals chronically exposed to indoor radon (222Rn) in a hydrothermal area Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2018 Geothermal gases & water, Radiological impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Linhares, D., Garcia, P. V., Silva, C., Barroso, J., Kazachkova, N., Pereira, R., Lima, M., Camarinho, R., Ferreira, T., dos Santos Rodrigues, A.
Effects of the Miyakejima Volcano eruption on public health International Journal of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine 2018 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Psychological and mental impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Shiozawa, M., Lefor, A. K., Sata, N., Yasuda, Y., Nagai, H.
Biological impact of exposure to extremely fine-grained volcanic ash Journal of Nanotechnology 2018 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Aguilera, C., Viteri, M., Seqqat, R., Ayala Navarrette, L., Toulkeridis, T., Ruano, A., Torres Arias, M.
Health Interventions in Volcanic Eruptions—Community wearability assessment of respiratory protection against volcanic ash from Mt Sinabung, Indonesia International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018 Respiratory protection PPE testing Galea, K. S., Covey, J., Mutia Timur, S., Horwell, C. J., Nugroho, F., Mueller, W.
Global epidemiology of podoconiosis: A systematic review PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2018 Non-respiratory diseases, Soils and fibrous minerals Reviews/ Overviews Deribe, K., Cano, J., Trueba, M. L., Newport, M. J., Davey, G.
Mus musculus bone fluoride concentration as a useful biomarker for risk assessment of skeletal fluorosis in volcanic areas Chemosphere 2018 Animal health, Water quality and/or fluoride Toxicological Linhares, D., Camarinho, R., Garcia, P. V., dos Santos Rodrigues, A.
Metal concentrations in recent ash fall of Popocatepetl volcano 2016, Central Mexico: Is human health at risk?. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2018 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Non-respiratory diseases Physicochemical or geochemical Shruti, V. C., Rodríguez-Espinosa, P. F., Martinez-Tavera, E., Hernández-Gonzalez, D.
Respiratory hazard assessment of combined exposure to complete gasoline exhaust and respirable volcanic ash in a multicellular human lung model at the air-liquid interface Environmental Pollution 2018 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Exposure and urban pollutants Toxicological Tomašek, I., Horwell, C. J., Bisig, C., Damby, D. E., Comte, P., Czerwinskid, J., Petri-Fink, A., Clift, M. J. D., Drasler, B., Rothen-Rutishauser, B.
Long-term health of children following the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption: a prospective cohort study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2018 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Psychological and mental impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Hlodversdottir, H., Thorsteinsdottir, H., Thordardottir, E. B., Njardvik, U., Pétursdóttir, G., Hauksdottir, A.
Health impact of volcanic emissions. 2018 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Non-respiratory diseases Reviews/ Overviews Sierra-Vargas, M. P., Vargas-Domínguez, C., Bobadilla-Lozoya, K., Aztatzi-Aguilar, O. G.
The effectiveness of respiratory protection worn by communities to protect from volcanic ash inhalation; Part II: Total inward leakage tests. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2018 Respiratory protection PPE testing Steinle, S., Sleeuwenhoek, A., Mueller, W., Horwell, C. J., Apsley, A., Davis, A., Cherrie, J. W., Galea, K. S.
Effects of dietary intake of volcanic ash from Puyehue Cordon Caulle onTenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) larvae under laboratory conditions Florida Entomologist 2018 Animal health Toxicological López-García, G., Buteler, M., Stadler, T.
Volcanic ash from Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Volcanic Complex and Calbuco promote a differential response of pro-inflammatory and oxidative stress mediators on human conjunctival epithelial cells Environmental Research 2018 Non-respiratory diseases Toxicological Tesone, A. I., Vitar, R. M. L., Tau, J., Maglione, G. A., Llesuy, S., Tasat, D. R., Berra, A.
Cardiorespiratory health effects associated with acute exposure to hydrothermal gas emissions from Furnas Volcano Açoreana 2018 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Tavares, W. R., Garcia, P., do Carmo Barreto, M., Seca, A. M., Rodrigues, A.
The effectiveness of respiratory protection worn by communities to protect from volcanic ash inhalation. Part I: Filtration efficiency tests International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2018 Respiratory protection PPE testing Mueller, W., Horwell, C. J., Apsley, A., Steinle, S., McPherson, S., Cherrie, J. W., Galea, K. S.
Volcanic dust veils from sixth century tree-ring isotopes linked to reduced irradiance, primary production and human health Scientific Reports 2018 Non-respiratory diseases Physicochemical or geochemical Helama, S., Arppe, L., Uusitalo, J., Holopainen, J., Mäkelä, H. M., Mäkinen, H., Mielikäinen, K., Nöjd, P., Sutinen, R., Taavitsainen, J. P., Timonen, M.
Volcanic Ash Activates the NLRP3 Inflammasome in Murine and Human Macrophages Frontiers in Immunology 2018 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Toxicological Damby, D. E., Horwell, C. J., Baxter, P. J., Kueppers, U., Schnurr, M., Dingwell, D. B., Duewell, P.
Nanoparticles of volcanic ash as a carrier for toxic elements on the global scale Chemosphere 2018 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Ermolin, M. S., Fedotov, P. S., Malik, N. A., Karandashev, V. K.
Seasonal and spatial variation of arsenic in groundwater in a rhyolithic volcanic area of Lesvos Island, Greece Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2018 Water quality and/or fluoride Physicochemical or geochemical Zkeri, E., Aloupi, M., Gaganis, P.
Volcanic eruptions and threats to respiratory health American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2018 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Carlos, W., Gross, J., Jamil, S., Dela Cruz, C., Damby, D. E., Tam, E.
The effect of aluminium and sodium impurities on the cytotoxicity and pro-inflammatory potential of cristobalite Environmental Research 2017 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Toxicological Nattrass, C., Horwell, C. J., Damby, D. E., Brown, D., Stone, V.
Leaching of lava and tephra from the Oldoinyo Lengai volcano (Tanzania): Remobilization of fluorine and other potentially toxic elements into surface waters of the Gregory Rift. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2017 Water quality and/or fluoride Leaching Bosshard-Stadlin, S. A., Mattsson, H. B., Stewart, C., Reusser, E.
Effect of geogenic factors on water quality and its relation to human health around Mount Ida, Turkey. Water 2017 Water quality and/or fluoride Physicochemical or geochemical Baba, A., Gündüz, O.
Human survival in volcanic eruptions: Thermal injuries in pyroclastic surges, their causes, prognosis and emergency management Burns 2017 Injuries and Fatalities Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Baxter, P. J., Jenkins, S. F., Seswandhana, R., Komorowski, J.-C., Dunn, K., Purser, D., Voight, B., Shelley, I.
The iron-catalysed surface reactivity and health-pertinent physical characteristics of explosive volcanic ash from Mt. Etna, Italy Journal of Applied Volcanology 2017 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Horwell, C. J., Sargent, P., Andronico, D., Lo Castro, M. D., Tomatis, M., Hillman, S. E., Michnowicz, S. A. K., Fubini, B.
Volcanic fatalities database: analysis of volcanic threat with distance and victim classification Journal of Applied Volcanology 2017 Injuries and Fatalities Reviews/ Overviews Brown, S. K. , Jenkins, S. F., Sparks, R. S. J., Odbert, H., Auker, M. R.
The impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on groundwater quality in an active volcanic/geothermal system under semi-arid climatic conditions: The case study of Methana peninsula (Greece). Journal of Geochemical Exploration 2017 Water quality and/or fluoride Physicochemical or geochemical D'Alessandro, W., Bellomo, S., Brusca, L., Kyriakopoulos, K., Calabrese, S., Daskalopoulou, K.
Potentially harmful elements released by volcanic ashes: Examples from the Mediterranean area. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2017 Water quality and/or fluoride Leaching Cangemi, M., Speziale, S., Madonia, P., D'Alessandro, W., Andronico, D., Bellomo, S., Brusca, L., Kyriakopoulos, K.
Heavy metals in the volcanic environment and thyroid cancer Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 2017 Non-respiratory diseases Reviews/ Overviews Vigneri, R., Malandrino, P., Giani, F., Russo, M., Vigneri, P.
Thyroid cancer in the pediatric age in Sicily: Influence of the volcanic environment Anticancer Research 2017 Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Russo, M., Malandrino, P., Moleti, M., D' Angelo, A., Tavarelli, M., Sapuppo, G., Giani, F., Richiusa, P., Squatrito, S, Vigneri, R., Pellegriti, G.
Escaping Zaria’s fire? The volcano resettlement problem of Manam Island, Papua New Guinea Asia Pacific Viewpoint 2017 Evacuation, displacement, place attachment Social research Connell, J., Lutkehaus, N.
Anaplastic thyroid cancer in Sicily: The role of environmental characteristics Frontiers in Endocrinology 2017 Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Tavarelli, M., Malandrino, P., Vigneri, P., Richiusa, P., Maniglia, A., Violi, M. A., Sapuppo, G., Vella, V., Dardanoni, G., Vigneri, R., Pellegriti, G.
Understanding the environmental impacts of large fissure eruptions: Aerosol and gas emissions from the 2014–2015 Holuhraun eruption (Iceland) Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2017 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Modelling Ilyinskaya, E., Schmidt, A., Mather, T. A., Pope, F. D., Witham, C. S., Baxter, P. J., Jóhannsson, T., Pfeffer, M., Barsotti, S., Singh, A., Sanderson, P., Bergsson, B., McCormick Kilbride, B. T., Donovan, A., Peters, N., Oppenheimer, C., Edmonds, M.
Influence of sulfur dioxide on the respiratory system of Miyakejima adult residents 6 years after returning to the island. Journal of Occupational Health 2017 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Kochi, T., Iwasawa, S., Nakano, M., Tsuboi, T., Tanaka, S., Kitamura, H., Wilson, D. J., Takebayashi, T., Omae, K.
Fluoride accumulation in groundwater from semi-arid part of Deccan Volcanic province, India: A cause of urolithiasis outbreak Hydrospatial analysis 2017 Geothermal gases & water, Soils and fibrous minerals, Water quality and/or fluoride Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Kale, S., Pawar, N. J.
Ambient geothermal hydrogen sulfide exposure and peripheral neuropathy Neurotoxicology 2017 Air quality, Geothermal gases & water, Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Pope, K., So, Y. T., Crane, J., Bates, M. N.
Risk factors for podoconiosis: Kamwenge, Uganda The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2017 Non-respiratory diseases, Soils and fibrous minerals Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Kihembo, C., Masiira, B., Lali, W. Z., Matwale, G. K., Matovu, J. K. B., Kaharuza, F., Ario, A. R., Nabukenya, I., Makumbi, I., Musenero, M., Ping Zhu, B., Nanyunja, M.
Study on the elemental composition of environmental nanoparticles separated in a rotating coiled column: How hazardous may be urban dust and volcanic ash Nano Hybrids and Composites 2017 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Fedotov, P. S., Ermolin, M. S.
Lens opacity and hydrogen sulfide in a New Zealand geothermal area Optometry and Vision Science: 2017 Air quality, Dermal, dental and ocular impacts, Geothermal gases & water Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Bates, M. N., Bailey, I. L., DiMartino, R. B., Pope, K., Crane, J., Garrett, N.
Haemolytic activity of soil from areas of varying podoconiosis endemicity in Ethiopia PLOS ONE 2017 Non-respiratory diseases, Soils and fibrous minerals, Water quality and/or fluoride Physicochemical or geochemical Le Blond, J. S., Baxter, P. J., Bello, D., Raftis, J., Molla, Y. B., Cuadros, J., Davey, G.
Assessment of the potential respiratory hazard of volcanic ash from future Icelandic eruptions: a study of archived basaltic to rhyolitic ash samples Environmental Health 2017 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Toxicological Damby, D. E., Horwell, C. J., Larsen, G., Thordarson, T., Tomatis, M., Fubini, B., Donaldson, K.
Radon exposure and human health: What happens in volcanic environments? 2017 Radiological impacts Reviews/ Overviews Linhares, D., Garcia, P., Rodrigues, A.
Hazardous indoor CO2 concentrations in volcanic environments Environmental Pollution 2016 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Personal, ambient & remote monitoring/sensing Viveiros, F., Gaspar, J. L., Ferreira, T., Silva, C.
The in vitro respiratory toxicity of cristobalite-bearing volcanic ash Environmental Research 2016 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Toxicological Damby, D. E., Murphy, F. A., Horwell, C. J., Raftis, J., Donaldson, K.
Volcanic air pollution over the Island of Hawai'i: Emissions, dispersal, and composition. Association with respiratory symptoms and lung function in Hawai'i Island school children Environment International 2016 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Tam, E., Miike, R., Labrenz, S., Sutton, A. J., Elias, T., Davis, J., Chen, Y-L., Tantisira, K., Dockery, D., Avol E.
An experience of trauma cases: patients hit by rocks during the Mt Ontake volcanic eruption in Japan Journal of Japanese Association for Acute Medicine 2016 Injuries and Fatalities Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Shiroko, T.
Exposures to particulate matter from the eruptions of the Puyehue volcano and birth outcomes in Montevideo, Uruguay Environmental Health Perspectives 2016 Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Balsa, A. I., Caffera, M., Bloomfield, J.
Long-term health effects of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption: a prospective cohort study in 2010 and 2013 BMJ Open 2016 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Psychological and mental impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Hlodversdottir, H., Pétursdóttir, G., Carlsen, H. K., Gislason, T., Hauksdottir, A.
Fate and agricultural consequences of leachable elements added to the environment from the 2011 Cordón Caulle tephra fall. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2016 Animal health, Water quality and/or fluoride Leaching Stewart, C., Craig, H. M., Gaw, S., Wilson, T., Villarosa, G., Outes, V., Cronin, S., Oze, C.
Combined exposure of diesel exhaust particles and respirable Soufrière Hills volcanic ash causes a (pro-)inflammatory response in an in vitro multicellular epithelial tissue barrier model Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2016 Exposure and urban pollutants Physicochemical or geochemical Tomašek, I., Horwell, C. J., Damby, D. E., Barošová, H., Geers, C., Petri-Fink, A., Rothen-Rutishauser, B., Clift, M. J. D.
Impacts of the 2014–2015 Holuhraun eruption on the UK atmosphere Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2016 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Modelling Twigg, M. M., Ilyinskaya, E., Beccaceci, S., Green, D. C., Jones, M. R., Langford, B., Leeson, S. R., Lingard, J. J. N., Pereira, G. M., Carter, H., Poskitt, J., Richter, A., Ritchie, S., Simmons, I., Smith, R. I., Tang, S. Y., Van Dijk, N., Vincent, K., Nemitz, E., Vieno, M., Braban, C. F.
Volcanogenic pollution and testicular damage in wild mice Chemosphere 2015 Animal health Toxicological Ferreira, A., Garcia, P., Camarinho, R., Rodrigues, A.
Several site-specific cancers are increased in the volcanic area in Sicily Anticancer Research 2015 Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Russo, M., Malandrino, P., Addario, W. P., Dardanoni, G., Vigneri, P., Pellegriti, G., Squatrito, S, Vigneri, R.
Effects of sulfur dioxide on the respiratory system of Miyakejima child residents 6 years after returning to the island International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 2015 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Iwasawa, S., Nakano, M., Tsuboi, T., Kochi, T., Tanaka, S., Katsunuma, T., Morikawa, A., Omae, K.
Increased thyroid cancer incidence in a basaltic volcanic area is associated with non–anthropogenic pollution and biocontamination Endocrine 2015 Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Malandrino, P., Russo, M., Ronchi, A., Minoia, C., Cataldo, D., Regalbuto, C., Giordano, C., Attard, M., Squatrito, S, Trimarchi, F., Vigneri, R.
Respirable volcanic ash is distinct mineralogically, physicochemically and toxicologically from soils originating from weathered volcanic products. A comment on Cervini-Silva et al. (2014) “Lipid peroxidation and cytotoxicity induced by respirable volcani Journal of Hazardous Materials 2015 Soils and fibrous minerals Toxicological Horwell, C. J., Damby, D. E., Hillier, S.
Air pollution by hydrothermal volcanism and human pulmonary function BioMed Research International 2015 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Linhares, D., Garcia, P. V., Viveiros, F., Ferreira, T., dos Santos Rodrigues, A.
Satellite detection, long-range transport, and air quality impacts of volcanic sulfur dioxide from the 2014–2015 flood lava eruption at Bárðarbunga (Iceland) Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2015 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Modelling Schmidt, A., Leadbetter, S., Theys, N., Carboni, E., Witham, C. S., Stevenson, J. A., Birch, C. E., Thordarson, T., Turnock, S., Barsotti, S., Delaney, L., Feng, W., Grainger, R. G., Hort, M. C, Höskuldsson, Á., Ialongo, I., Ilyinskaya, E., Jóhannsson, T., Kenny, P., Mather, T. A., Richards, N. A. D., Shepherd, J.
Post-traumatic stress disorder among survivors two years after the 2010 Mount Merapi volcano eruption: A survey study Nursing & Health Sciences 2015 Psychological and mental impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Warsini, S., Buettner, P., Mills, J., West, C., Usher, K.
Investigation of hydrogen sulfide exposure and lung function, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a geothermal area of New Zealand PLOS ONE 2015 Air quality, Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory, Geothermal gases & water Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Bates, M. N., Crane, J., Balmes, J. R., Garrett, N.
Environmental and health impact of potentially harmful elements distribution in the Panyam (Sura) volcanic province, Jos Plateau, Central Nigeria Environmental Earth Sciences 2015 Non-respiratory diseases, Soils and fibrous minerals, Water quality and/or fluoride Physicochemical or geochemical Lar, U. A., Gusikit, R. B.
Chronic ambient hydrogen sulfide exposure and cognitive function Neurotoxicology and Teratology 2014 Air quality, Geothermal gases & water, Non-respiratory diseases Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Reed, B. R., Crane, J., Garrett, N., Woods, D. L., Bates, M. N.
Lipid peroxidation and cytotoxicity induced by respirable volcanic ash Journal of Hazardous Materials 2014 Soils and fibrous minerals Toxicological Cervini-Silva, J., Gomez-Vidales, V., Ramirez-Apan, M. T., Palacios, E., Montoya, A., Kaufhold, S., Abidin, Z., Theng, B. K. G.
The α-β phase transition in volcanic cristobalite Journal of Applied Crystallography 2014 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, Crystalline silica Physicochemical or geochemical Damby, D. E., Llewellin, E. W., Horwell, C. J., Williamson, B. J., Najorka, J., Cressey, G., Carpenter, M. A.
Emotions and coping strategies during an episode of volcanic activity and their relations to place attachment Journal of Environmental Psychology 2014 Evacuation, displacement, place attachment, Psychological and mental impacts Social research Ruiz, C., Hernández, B.
Controls on variations in cristobalite abundance in ash generated by the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat in the period 1997-2010 Memoir of the Geological Society of London 2014 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Horwell, C. J., Hillman, S. E., Cole, P. D., Loughlin, S. C., Llewellin, E. W., Damby, D. E., Christopher, T.
Human health risks of geothermally derived metals and other contaminants in wild-caught food Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2014 Geothermal gases & water, Non-respiratory diseases Physicochemical or geochemical Phillips, N. R., Stewart, M., Olsen, G., Hickey, C. W.
Geological hazards: from early warning systems to public health toolkits Health and Place 2014 Management of healthcare facilities, Public health communication Reviews/ Overviews Samarasundera, E., Hansell, A., Leibovici, D., Horwell, C. J., Anand, S., Oppenheimer, C.
The effectiveness of trauma healing methods to reduce Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on teenage victims of Mount Merapi eruption International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology 2014 Psychological and mental impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Tentama, F., Mulasari, S. A., Sukesi, T. W., Haryono, W.
Perception of a chronic volcanic hazard: persistent degassing at Masaya volcano, Nicaragua Journal of Applied Volcanology 2014 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Leaching Van Manen, S. M.
Continuing impacts on red deer from a volcanic eruption in 2011 European Journal of Wildlife Research 2014 Animal health, Water quality and/or fluoride Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Flueck, W. T.
Evaluating the respiratory health risks of volcanic ash at the eruption of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, 1995-2010 Memoir of the Geological Society of London 2014 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Baxter, P. J., Searl, A., Cowie, H. A., Jarvis, D., Horwell, C. J.
The psychosocial impact of the environmental damage caused by the Mt Merapi eruption on survivors in Indonesia EcoHealth 2014 Psychological and mental impacts Social research Warsini, S., Buettner, P., Mills, J., West, C., Usher, K.
Spirituality, gratitude, hope and post-traumatic growth among the survivors of the 2010 eruption of Mount Merapi in Java, Indonesia Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies 2014 Psychological and mental impacts Social research Subandi, M. A., Achmad, T., Kurniati, H., Febri, R.
Volcanic ash leachate compositions and assessment of health and agricultural hazards from 2012 hydrothermal eruptions, Tongariro, New Zealand Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2014 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory, IVHHN, protocols & supporting references Leaching Cronin, S. J., Stewart, C., Zernack, A., Brenna, M., Procter, J. N., Pardo, N., Christenson, B., Wilson, T., Stewart, R. B., Irwin, M.
Psychosocial and environmental distress resulting from a volcanic eruption: Study protocol Collegian 2014 Psychological and mental impacts Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Warsini, S., Usher, K., Buettner, P., Mills, J., West, C.
Trace elements in scalp hair of children chronically exposed to volcanic activity (Mt. Etna, Italy) Science of the Total Environment 2014 Air quality, Dermal, dental and ocular impacts Physicochemical or geochemical Varrica, D., Tamburo, E., Dongarrà, G., Sposito, F.
Characterisation of tephras dispersed by the recent eruptions of volcanoes Calbuco (1061), Chaitén (2008) and Cordón Caulle Complex (1960 and 2011), in Northern Patagonia Journal of South American Earth Sciences 2014 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Physicochemical or geochemical Daga, R., Guevara, S. R., Poire, D. G., Arribére, M.
Multiple sclerosis in the Mount Etna region: Possible role of volcanogenic trace elements PLOS ONE 2013 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Nicoletti, A., Bruno, E., Nania, M., Cicero, E., Messina, S., Chisari, C., Torrisi, J., Maimone, D., Marziolo, R., Lo Fermo, S., Patti, F., Giammanco, S., Zappia, M.
Adverse health effects associated with increased activity at Kīlauea volcano: A repeated population-based survey International Scholarly Research Notices 2013 Gas and aerosol hazards and impacts - respiratory Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Longo, B. M.
The human impact of volcanoes: a historical review of events 1900-2009 and systematic literature review PLOS Currents Disasters 2013 Injuries and Fatalities Reviews/ Overviews Doocy, S., Daniels, A., Dooling, S., Gorokhovich, Y.
Associations of ambient hydrogen sulfide exposure with self-reported asthma and asthma symptoms Environmental Research 2013 Air quality, Geothermal gases & water Epidemiological, clinical & surveillance Bates, M. N., Garrett, N., Crane, J., Balmes, J. R.
Volcanic Aash and the respiratory immune system - Possible mechanisms behind reported infections Environmental Health Perspectives 2013 Ash hazards and impacts - respiratory Reviews/ Overviews Weinhold, B.
Rapid release of metal salts and nutrients from the 2011 Grímsvötn, Iceland volcanic ash Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2013 Water quality and/or fluoride Leaching Olsson, J., Stipp, S. L. S., Dalby, K. N., Gislason, S. R.